Resonant Leadership

My daughter is a lover of music. Through the years, as one who majored in music during her college years, she has taught me the difference between musical dissonance and musical resonance. Musical dissonance is when there is discord, or a lack of harmony between musical notes. Musical resonance is when musical notes create a resonant sound where musical notes reverberate in harmony together creating beautiful sounds that often touch the emotions of human beings. A number of years ago, through the writings of Richard Boyatzis, Daniel Goleman and Annie McKee, I was introduced to the concept of “resonant leadership”. Resonant leaders are leaders who lead with emotional intelligence. A resonant leader possesses a high degree of empathy with their people that empowers them to accurately assess their emotions and understand their unique perspectives. This places a leader in a position to take an active interest in the issues and concerns of their people in a way that “resonates” with their people promoting a personal relational connection between the leader and the follower.

Over the past few weeks, since the death of George Floyd, our country has been in a volatile, erratic and unsettled state of anarchy. In the midst of this volatility, there has been a desperate need for resonant leadership. Racism in any form has no place in a civilized society. To be a resonant leader in this hour with the African American community is to acknowledge that the tragic death of George Floyd is one of a series of similar tragedies that have occurred in recent years. Failing to “resonate” with the African American community of this country emotionally on this particular point is a mistake that our national leaders cannot afford to make. To “resonate” with those who have suffered injustice does not mean that the destruction of property, or violence is ever to be justified, condoned or rationalized. Injustice is never overcome with further injustice. We must never pay back evil with more evil and expect a positive result.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, and now the racial and political unrest that exists in this country, the leadership skills of all leaders have been severely tested. These challenges and tests are providing leaders with opportunities to unite their people to work together at much higher levels to make this country, our businesses, communities, churches and homes better places than they have ever been in the past. Resonant leaders are inspirational leaders. They inspire hope and a vision of a better and a brighter tomorrow. Resonant leaders are empathic, compassionate and caring leaders who patiently listen to understand their people before responding to them. Resonant leaders are authentic leaders who connect with their people because they are “in tune” with their people in light of their commitment to serve their people.

It is possible that this may be your first exposure to the concept of resonant leadership. If so, please embrace it. The times that we are living in demand it. Far too many people fail to grasp that leadership is fundamentally about relationships. The most critical changes that need to occur in our world, culture, institutions and businesses are relational changes. If we fail to accurately identify and connect with the emotional state of those we lead, we will fail as leaders. To lead is to dance in harmony with those we lead. This only occurs when they are convinced that the way that we lead and relate to them “resonates” with who they are and how they feel!